最近又是報告爆爆的時節(而且天氣冷斃了 囧)
所以聽歌頻率急速上升XD(偷懶 偷懶)
  Oral Fixation Vol. 2中間有改版過,加入一首新歌2006世足賽主題曲--"Hips Don't Lie",也因為這首Shakira重操舊業的單曲拯救了這張專輯XD,讓它多賣了幾張(唱片公司為了衝銷量,連Fijacion Oral vol. 1的主打歌都順便送了進來XD)。現在終於要推出第三支單曲了-- Illegal,找來了拉丁吉他之神Carlos Santana跨刀合作,轉折多變的吉他旋律更添一份感傷。Shakira的抒情歌曲都蠻有味道的,連抒情歌給人的感覺也帶有…野性的fu!(汗)
  而廣受歡迎的Fijacion Oral vol. 1好像還沒結束宣傳喔(驚),下一支宣傳單曲是La Pared。這張專輯到目前為止應該是第四波了,前三首分別是La Tortura、No、Dia De Enero,我很喜歡的兩首抒情歌都有打到(La Pared、No),我覺得她唱西文比英文動人(超…棒)。

Shakira - Illegal Lyrics
(feat. Carlos Santana)
Who would have thought
That you could hurt me
The way you’ve done it?
So deliberate, so determined
And since you have been gone
I bite my nails for days and hours
And question my own questions on and on
So tell me now, tell me now
Why you’re so far away
When I’m still so close
You don’t even know the meaning of the words "I’m sorry"
You said you would love me until you die
And as far as I know you’re still alive, baby
You don’t even know the meaning of the words "I’m sorry"
I’m starting to believe it should be illegal to deceive a
woman’s heart
I tried so hard to be attentive
To all you wanted
Always supportive, always patient
What did I do wrong?
I’m wondering for days and hours
It’s here, it isn’t here where you belong
Anyhow, anyhow
I wish you both all the best
I hope you get along
But you don’t even know the meaning of the words "I’m sorry"
You said you would love me until you die
And as far as I know you’re still alive, baby
You don’t even know the meaning of the words "I’m sorry"
I’m starting to believe it should be illegal to deceive a
woman’s heart
You don’t even know the meaning of the words "I’m sorry"
You said you would love me until you die
And as far as I know you’re still alive, baby
You don’t even know the meaning of the words "I’m sorry"
I’m starting to believe it should be illegal to deceive a
woman’s heart
Open heart
Open heart
It should be illegal to deceive a woman’s heart
Open heart
Open heart
It should be illegal to deceive a woman’s heart
    創作者 Charlie W.D. 的頭像
    Charlie W.D.


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