About the Conference:
CoLIS 1 was held in 1991 at the University of Tampere, Finland.
CoLIS 2 was held at the Royal School of Librarianship, Copenhagen, Denmark.
CoLIS 3 was held at the Inter-University Centre, Dubrovnik (IUC), Croatia.
CoLIS 4 was held at the University of Washington, Seattle, USA.
CoLIS 5 was held at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK.
CoLIS 6 was held at the Swedish School of Library and Information Science.
CoLIS 7 will be held in London, UK.
"Featuring the Future"
took place in Borås, Sweden(瑞典), August 13-16, 2007,
and was organised by the Swedish School of Library and Information Science.
CoLIS 6 had 110 attendees from 16 countries and the main conference programme included 3 keynote presentations, 31 papers and two panels. All together the conference received over 70 submissions.
Accepted research papers will be published by the electronic journal Information Research as a supplement to the October 2007 issue
CoLIS 6 2007 Conference Programme(.pdf)
* * *
"Context:nature, impact and role"
took place in Glasgow, UK, June 4-8, 2005
The theme for CoLIS 5 will be the nature, impact and role of context within information-centred research. Context is a complex, dynamic, and multi-dimensional concept that influences both humans and machines: how they behave individually and how they interact with each other. In CoLIS 5 we will take an interdisciplinary approach to the issue of context to help us understand define the theoretical approaches to modelling and understanding context, to incorporate contextual reasoning within technology and to develop a shared framework for promoting the exploration of context.
CoLIS 7 - London, UK, 2010
Theme: To be determined
Will take place in early 2010. For information, please contact David Bawden (dbawden@soi.city.ac.uk), Professor of Information Science, City University London.
CoLIS 6 - Borås, Sweden, 2007
Theme: Featuring the Future
The CoLIS 6 had 110 attendees from 16 countries and the main conference programme included 31 papers and two panels.
Accepted research papers are to be published by the electronic journal Information Research as a supplement to the October 2007 issue. Information Research is a peer-reviewed, ISI-indexed journal.
CoLIS 5 - Glasgow, UK, 2005
Theme: Context: Nature, Impact, and Role
Published proceedings:
Crestani, F. & Ruthven, I. (Eds.). (2005). Context: Nature, impact, and role. 5th International conference on conceptions of library and information sciences, CoLIS 2005, Glascow, UK, June 2005, proceedings. Berlin: Springer (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 3507).
CoLIS 4 - Seatle, WA, USA, 2002
Theme: Emerging frameworks and methods
Published proceedings:
Bruce, H., Fidel, R., Ingwersen, P. & Vakkari, P. (Eds.). (2002). Emerging frameworks and methods. CoLIS4. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Conceptions of Library and Information Science. Seattle, WA, USA, July 21-25, 2002. Greenwood Village, Colorado: Libraries Unlimited. CoLIS 5
CoLIS 3 - Dubrovnik, Croatia, 1999
Theme: Digital Libraries
Published proceedings:
Aparac-Gazivoda, T. & Saracevic, T. (Eds.). (1999). Digital Libraries : proceedings of the Third International Conference on the Conceptions of the Library and Information Science, Dubrovnik, Croatia, May 23-26, 1999. Zagreb: Zavod za informacijske studije Odsjeka za informacijske znanosti, Filozofski fakultet.
CoLIS 2 - Copenhagen, Denmark, 1996
Theme: Integration in perspective
Published Proceedings:
Ingwersen, P. & Pors, N. O. (Eds.). CoLIS 2: Second International Conference on Conceptions of Library and Information Science: Integration in Perspective October 13 - 16 proceedings. Copenhagen: The Royal School of Librarianship.
CoLIS 1 - Tampere, Finland, 1991
Published proceedings:
Vakkari, P. & Cronin, B. (Eds.). (1992). Conceptions of library and information science: historical, empirical and theoretical perspectives: Proceedings of the International Conference held for the celebration of 20th Anniversary of the Department of Information Studies, University of Tampere, Finland, 26-28 August, 1991. London: Taylor Graham.
Extend or Reference:
---CoLIS 4
■ Ming-Yueh Tsay. A Bibliometric Study of Indexing and Abstracting, 1977-2000,Fourth International Conference on Conceptions of Library and Information Science: Emerging Frameworks and Methods, The Information School , University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA, July 21-25, 2002.
■ Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science and Technology
Vol. 29 No. 1 October / November 2002
Meeting Review
Emerging Frameworks and Methods:
The Fourth International Conference on Conceptions of Library and Information Science
by Jens-Erik Mai
■ D-Lib Magazine September 2002 Volume 8 Number 9 - CoLIS4
---CoLIS 5
計算中心通訊 第 21 卷 13 期
出版日期: 94 年 06 月 13 日
同仁赴英出席CoLIS 2005國際會議
CoLIS 2005會議暨研討會(Fifth International Conference on
Conceptions of Library and Information Science)於本(六)
(後設資料生命週期,metadata lifecycle),藉參與此會以進行
畫。 (出版組)
■ 數位典藏國際資源觀察報告 第三卷第一期--94年7月
CoLIS 5 Jun 4-9, 2005, Glasgow, UK
本屆會議的主題是「來龍去脈:本質、衝擊,及角色」(Context: Nature, Impact and Role),檢視背景議題如何影響資訊檢索技術的設計與使用。會議秉持一貫性的目的:提供計算機科學、資訊科學,及圖書館學領域在發展與分析研究的批判性論壇。檢視與理解、資訊使用相關的歷史、理論、經驗,及技術的議題,推廣跨學科研究。專題演講與進修課程目前已經排定。
■ E-LIS - [Review of:]CoLIS 5
---CoLIS 6
The first announcement of Sixth International Conference on Conceptions of Library and Information Science: "Featuring the Future" CoLIS 6.
CoLIS is a series of international conferences for which the general aim is to provide a broad forum for the exploration and exchange of ideas in the field of library and information science (LIS). To be examined at CoLIS 6 are theoretical and empirical research trends in LIS, together with sociocultural and technical issues relating to our understanding of the various roles, natures, uses and associated relationships of information, information systems, information processes, and information networks. As in previous conferences in the series, this one, too, promotes an interdisciplinary approach to research.
Contributed by Ascolbi
12-09-2006 a las 22:46:36
■ Impact Autumn 2007 Volume 10 No.3
■ Mei-Mei Wu's blog-[2007-01-12] CoLIS6_徵求會議論文
■ Conceptions of Library and Information Science(informatik.uni-trier.de)
■ Conceptions of Library and Information Science
Edited by Pertti Vakkari and Blaise Cronin
ISBN 0 947568 52 2
- Nov 01 Thu 2007 08:21
(no.12)▒ CoLIS▒
Conceptions of Library and Information Science